Thursday, February 4, 2010

A New Beginning!

For the past few days, all I have been doing other than work is going through some of my old articles in various newsletters, college magazines, old notes form my travelling, cut-outs, pictures and so much more... This has got me thinking... Although I have been thinking about this for a long time now... 

Do I get back to writing? Not that I am Tolstoy or Shakespeare or Naipaul, but I don't think I am too bad either... I would consider my writing... well, above mediocre... In fact I have people persuading me to start  blog from some time now... I have also been an avid follower of many fantastic blogs over the years... Maybe its time for me get inspired and go ahead... Why the hell not? No more excuses... 

So, Here I Go People... There will be lot of reminiscing, whimsical droning, opinions, some old travel logs, basically whatever comes to my mind... Welcome to my Thoughts!!

WARNING: As I am relatively new at this, the blog would undergo frequent format changes. So, Hang in there! Once I am done experimenting and happy with the look, there would be stability :)


Raji said...

Welcome to blogging world!

K said...

Thanks Dear!!

padma said...

Happy to see you back in the form of your words.

K said...

Thanks Paddy! I am too! Hope I keep up the pace...

CP!! said...

So the chapter has began finally!!

Nothing gives you so much pleasure as writing!

Happy blogging!


K said...

Thanks PR!