Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It is late into the night and he has just finished his shift. Just as he is wrapping things up and getting ready to go home, he sees her. He plans to ignore her and carry on, but he doesn't want to seem rude in case she has seen him. So he goes over and says hi. She looks over at him returning his courtesy. He recognises the look. The same look he has been seeing in her eyes for a few months now. He understands... Understands that she likes him... a lot...

He likes her too, but just not enough. Atleast not in the way she wants him to. He likes spending time with her. She is someone with whom he could have interesting conversations, talk about anything and everything, just hang out and be himself. But nothing more... He knows he would never be attracted to someone like her, someone who is that smart, someone with her values. He knows he is twisted, he needs a physical relationship more than anything else. He knows he should let her go; make it clear that there can be nothing between them. But he is also selfish... and weak... He knows he would miss her... miss her presence... So he makes her wait... Taking advantage of her... Never clearing the air, always giving her hope that maybe... maybe it could be something...

And She... she knows he would never want her. Not the way she has seen him with his exes. Him rejecting her the first time made that clear. But she can't get over him, can't forget him, can't give up hope. So she is thankful, thankful for the moments she gets to spend with him, even if it hurts like hell... She would be there waiting for him... Giving up the rest of her life to wait upon when he would call her, message her, need her in any small way... She would leave behind the people who really care for her, causing a rift among friends and family. Not caring... cause all she knows right now is her bleeding heart... Her craving for his Love... And that's all that matters right now...


CP!! said...


Gopal said...

Not bad......gud to see u writing, atleast this way we could stay in touch,w hat without any messages or mails or news for almost a year now.....
But this one could be a good start for a movie story......

K said...

Thanks Gops! Yeah Yeah, I know... Will call you some time soon...
A movie... Hmm... Maybe if you ready to produce it :)

Gopal said...

BTW, am coming down on vacation frm 27th till not sure megha will inform u, so lets c if wecould catchup wen am there in chennai. will call u wen am home...

K said...

Sure Gops!! Do call me...